We initiate a collaboration story with the Hispanic Association of Health Professionals of New York.

Historias Unete CSR

October 12, 2023, will be etched as a pivotal day in UNETE’s history, as we commemorate the signing of an agreement with the Hispanic Association of Health Professionals of New York. At this event, political authorities and socially responsible entrepreneurs graced us with their presence.

A notable aspect of this collaboration is the presence of Dr. Restituyo, a healthcare professional with a career spanning over 30 years. In addition to his distinguished career, Dr. Restituyo serves as the President of the Hispanic Association of Health Professionals, Inc., based in New York. His extensive knowledge and remarkable commitment in the field of health are truly inspiring.

His dedication to the reintegration, education, and accreditation of Latin American healthcare professionals aspiring to practice in the United States is an exemplification of his tireless work for the benefit of society.

The inclusion of Dr. Restituyo as a strategic ally in our program strengthens our commitment to providing medical assistance to the most vulnerable populations. We warmly welcome him to our UNETE family and are excited about the prospect of working together in promoting women’s health.

This exciting chapter we embark on in collaboration with the Hispanic Association of Health Professionals of New York represents a significant step in fulfilling our mission.

Promoting women’s health is a fundamental pillar of our commitment, and we are eager to witness how this alliance yields a positive and enduring impact. We invite you to join us on this journey in support of women’s health.


Written by UNETE USA. November 8, 2023.

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